Just a couple of event reminders:
Event Reminders

GCAPJD7 9 Usual Suspects – Nosh & Natter 67 by 9 Usual Suspects Event D1/T1
When: Thursday 30th May 2024
Where: Anglesey Arms, Harbour Front, Caernarfon LL55 1SG
Time: 7pm to 9pm or when the last person leaves

GCAQVE7 9 Usual Suspects Celebrate Their Virtual Award by 9 Usual Suspects Event D1/T1.5
When: Sunday 2rd June
Where: Anglesey Column
Time: 3-4pm
We are returning to the Anglesey Column to celebrate the publication of our virtual cache. Why place our virtual cache here? Because from the viewing platform at the top of the column you look out over our ‘patch’. Refreshments will be available from the cafe, but no purchases have to be made to attend this event. We can highly recommend the cakes……
June Solstice 2024 Souvenir

The solstice on June 21st marks the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere. To celebrate the solstice HQ are issuing a souvenir, to qualify simply find a cache of any type of geocache including events and Adventure Lab stages between 19th – 21st June.