News & New Caches

With the longer evenings its nice to see plenty of new caches being published. With five on Anglesey will Gwyn ever complete his personal challenge of having only yellow smilie faces on the island!

GC9QCET By the church by Somot Traditional D2/T1.5
GC9Q280 Church Micro 14351Llanddyfnan by RichieBlod Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9Q2A5 Church Micro 14352...Llanallgo by RichieBlod Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9NZ0P Church Micro 14354…Niwbwrch by RichieBlod Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9QD33 Poles Apart by RichieBlod Traditional D1.5/T1.5

GC9PXY6 Ammonite…Perimineralisation. by Hillgorilla Earth Cache D2/T1

GC9QBKA CITO 2022 Season 1 by 9 Usual Suspects CITO Event D1/T3

Premium Member Only

GC9QBQ8 The Grapes of Wrath by Squaddie101 Traditional D2.5/T1.5

Event Reminder

GC9PMX9 9 Usual Suspects – Nosh & Natter 44 by 9 Usual Suspects Event D1/T1
When: Tuesday 29th March
Where: Anglesey Arms, Harbour Front, Caernarfon LL55 1SG
Time: 7pm to 9pm or when the last person leaves

If you are planning to attend please could you log a ‘will attend’ as we need to let the pub know numbers.

North Wales Wildlife Trust

We are hoping in the future to join forces with North Wales Wildlife Trust in their beach cleans and other events. They have a large grant for events to encourage people to visit their woodlands. It has been suggested, as well as placing geocache trails, we could jointly host ‘Introduction to Geocaching Days’. This would be something similar to Aberlleiniog Castle. We are looking for ideas and volunteers…………

Website Difficulties

We have been having a few problems with the website and hackers. Please could you let us know if you experience any difficulties in accessing the site or spot anything suspicious.

News & New Caches

It is forecast to be a lovely weekend with new caches being placed all over our area there is no excuse not to get out, find a cache or two and enjoy the sunshine.

GC9Q66Y Minesweeper by Clueless_Goose Mystery/Puzzle D3/T1.5
GC9Q5KM You Are Here by Somot Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9Q3JG ❤️Dating Trees❤️ by StrawberryFinch Traditional D1.5/D2.5

Premium Member Only
GC9Q89N Pass the Parcel by Squaddie101 Traditional D2/T1.5
GC9Q59G Tilly’s View by Bess’s Friends Traditional D1/T1/5

Event Reminder

GC9PMX9 9 Usual Suspects – Nosh & Natter 44 by 9 Usual Suspects Event
When: Tuesday 29th March
Where: Anglesey Arms, Harbour Front, Caernarfon LL55 1SG
Time: 7pm to 9pm or when the last person leaves

If you are planning to attend please could you log a ‘will attend’ as we need to let the pub know numbers.

New Challenge, Signal’s Labyrinth

Geocaching have announced their latest challenge, Signal’s Labyrinth, which starts on April 4th 2022 lasting 12 months. By collecting points on geocache finds, Adventures labs, and mysterious bonus items you help Signal to escape from the labyrinths and return to Geocaching HQ. There are 6 different labyrinths with 2 months to complete each maze and 2 souvenirs for each stage plus a bonus for collecting all 12.

News & New Caches

Just two new caches to report both went live for Lon & Gwyn’s Event:

GC9PPDB Dinas Dinlle, the Disappearing Coastline by 9 Usual Suspects Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9PPEA Dinas Dinlle, The Middle by 9 Usual Suspects Traditional D3/T3.5

GC8MAT4 Community Celebration Event – Final Daily Grid

Lon & Gwyn with their 3D printed souvenir

Congratulations Lon and Gwyn from all your Geocaching friends on finally completing your ‘Daily Grid’, a challenge made even greater by Covid 19 lockdowns. To celebrate this momentous occasion they hosted a Community Celebration Event at Dinas Dinlle sea front, unlike previous events along this stretch of coast line the weather was perfect, blue skies and sunshine! Plenty of geochat, cakes and drinks plus 2 new caches going live made for a very enjoyable evening.

A beautiful sunset to finish the event

News & New Caches

Three new traditional caches have been recently published:

GC9PX90 Brooks’ Barmouth Bash #4.5 – Route Finder Traditional D1.5/T2

Following caches are Premium Members only:
GC9P15M CITO – Slightly Higher Flying Aircraft by PPJ889 Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9PBE4 CITO – Valley Layby by Squaddie101 Traditional D1.5/T1.5

Where are the First to Finders?

Crown of the Carneddau by Clueless_Goose

GC9MHKC Crown of the Carneddau by Clueless_Goose Mystery D5/T5

Amazingly the FTF is still up for grabs on this Adventure Lab and bonus cache, 8 weeks after publication! To give everyone a bigger incentive, cache owner Clueless_Goose, has increased the difficulty and terrain ratings of the bonus to the maximum D5/T5. Will this carrot lead the donkeys up the hill?

Event Reminder

GC8MAT4 Community Celebration Event – Final Daily Grid by welshgirl11 & gmoseley88
When: Friday 18th March 2022
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Where: Dinas Dinlle
Join Lon & Gwyn in celebrating completing their Daily Grid at Dinas Dinlle. We are hoping to have a couple of new caches go live………….. and there will be cake!

Last weekends CITO

GC9N9C1 Plas vs Plastic CITO by Squaddie101

escapefromwork, Bess’s Friends and naturesbyte with some of the bags of litter collected

We would like to say a Big Thank You to Squaddie101 for organising. This event was part of the Million Mile Beach Clean and was run in conjunction with British Divers Marine Life Medics (BDMLR), Keep Wales Tidy – Cadwch Grymu’n Daclus and Orthios Group who removed/recycled all trash and plastic collected. The 50+ volunteers collected a huge 720kg rubbish, mainly plastic of which 400kg was recycled.

Guess the Cache 6

So far no correct guesses, so here is a very big clue, you may find yourself on a Magical Mystery Tour….

Event Reminders

Just a quick reminder of forth coming events, starting with tomorrows CITO.
GC9N9C1 Plas vs Plastic by Squaddie101 CITO D1/T1.5
When: Saturday 12th March 2022
Time: 9.30am – 4pm
Where: Plas Llanfair LL65 3LE
Why not attend the above event and be part of the Million Mile Beach Clean at the Inland Sea on Anglesey and earn 2022 CITO Season 1 Souvenir pictured below.

GC8MAT4 Community Celebration Event – Final Daily Grid by welshgirl11 & gmoseley88 D1/T1.5
When: Friday 18th March 2022
Time: 4pm to 6pm
Where: Dinas Dinlle
Join Lon & Gwyn in celebrating completing their Daily Grid at Dinas Dinlle. We are hoping to have a couple of new caches go live…………..

GC9PMX9 9 Usual Suspects – Nosh & Natter 44 by 9 Usual Suspects Event D1/T1
When: Tuesday 29th March 2022
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Where: Anglesey Arms, Harbour Front, Caernarfon LL55 1SG

News & New Caches

We have had two new caches published in our area, both Premium Member only.
GC9PFW9 Fields of Floof by Squaddie101 Traditional D1.5/D1.5
GC9PGBE A Fine Pair #1656 – Llandudno by Seanx90 Multi D1.5/T1.5

Glynllifon Park, Have Your Say!

Gwynedd Council are currently running a consultation to find what local and not so local people would like to happen with the park. The Council only owns the parkland and part of the gardens which are grade 1 listed containing a diverse collection of rare trees and plants, alongside these are extravagant follies designed by Lord Newborough to entertain his friends at his flamboyant parties and social functions. With little or no maintenance over the last 20 years many of the paths are now impassable with the follies and bridges in disrepair. The council has very limited funds and is looking for ideas to benefit the local community as well as attracting visitors from further a field to enable the restoration of this fascinating place and making the park financially sustainable.

Of course we have already proposed placing a Geocaching trail in the park and your support by completing the survey below would be appreciated.

To have your say please take this survey ASAP

A Challenging Adventure Lab

Ye Olde Survey Monuments Tribute Adventure by GAGB 10 stages non-sequential

We are featuring this Adventure Lab as one of the stages is in our area at the top of Snowdon. Ye Ole Survey Monuments, YOSM for short, GC45CC, was a travelling Virtual cache owned by outforthehunt. The cache moved around the country, to claim a find you were looking for a specific survey monument, trig point, pillar, surface block, rivet or bolt. Like all travelling caches, this cache was archived by Groundspeak in 2017. At the time, it had 25,076 finds by 3,528 cachers and 651 favourite points. The Adventure Lab takes you to the 10 most visited YOSM locations in Great Britain. This Adventure Lab cache will be an adventure! If you complete all of the stages you will have travelled the length and breadth of Great Britain. Good Luck!

Snowdon Summit, Gwynedd – YSM0598
Blorenge, Gwent – YSM0272
Flax Bourton (R), Somerset – YSM0415
Brean Down, Somerset – YSM0348
Woodhenge, Wiltshire – YSM0223
The Ring, Gloucestershire – YSM0269
Pittern Hill, Warwickshire – YSM0540
Mersea Gun Emplacement, Essex – YSM0623
Brimham Rocks, Yorkshire – YSM0300
Kinnoull Hill, Perth – YSM0385

The Adventure Lab was published in 2019 and at the time of writing this there has only been 7 people complete the challenge.

GAGB is the Geocaching Association of Great Britain, it is free to join, for more information visit their website:

YOSM Today

Naturesbyte at YSM290 Hough Hill .

After the original cache was archived the cache GC76962 Ye Ole Survey Monuments Memorial Cache was published to allow finders of YOSMs to still record their finds as a note to enable their ‘statpics’ to be updated, see below. Sadly the YOSM website is broken and a list of all YOSM sites is not currently available.

statpic sample

News & New Caches

Firstly a very big THANK YOU to everyone who attended our events, especially those that braved the cold wind at the end of the pier. It was so nice to catch up with friends, old and new, to do something normal.

New Caches

We have something for everyone this week 2 new traditional caches, a Wherigo and adventure lab series.

GC9NHJT Treasure of the Burning Bridge by Clueless_Goose Wherigo D2.5/T2

GC9NJ2M An Audience with David Lloyd George by 9 Usual Suspects Traditional D2.5/T1
GC9NJ42 Caernarfon Town Walls, Porth y Aur by 9 Usual Suspects Traditional D2.5/T1.5

New Adventure Lab Series

Goleudai Ynys Môn / Anglesey Lighthouses by RichieBlod
This non-sequential lab series takes you to 5 lighthouses around the coast of Anglesey, all in stunning locations.

Souvenir News

2022 Hider Souvenir 

This week Geocaching HQ announced the 2022 Hider Souvenir. To earn the souvenir either hide a geocache or hold an event between March 1st and December 31st 2022. You have until December 17, 2022, to submit caches and events for review, the souvenir will be awarded on publication and is not available on Adventure Labs.

CITO 2022 Season 1

This week also saw the beginning of CITO 2022 Season 1 which runs to Tuesday, May 31, 2022.

Since 2002, CITOs have enabled geocachers to beautify and restore natural and urban spaces. In that time, there have been more than 536,000 logged attendances at nearly 29,000 events where geocachers helped improve the outdoors. Of these events 9 Usual Suspects have hosted 13 CITO litter picks every time collecting large quantities of rubbish and fly tipped items from 7 different sites. We are in the process of planning our next Litter Pick for April.

In the mean time why not attend the following event and be part of the Million Mile Beach Clean at the Inland Sea on Anglesey:

GC9N9C1 Plas v Plastic by Squaddie101 D1/T1.5
When: 12 March 2022
Time: 09:30 – 16:00
Where: Plas Llanfair LL65 3LE