News & Caches 26

Just 2 new caches to find and a souvenir available over the Bank Holiday weekend.
GC9N7XP The hole in the cliff face by Cacher247247 Traditional D1.5/T1.5

Premium member only:
GC9R5YJ Dragon Quest by MonHunter Traditional D1.5/T2.5

Blue Switch Souvenir

It’s time to celebrate the anniversary of GPS technology becoming available to everyone. Until May 2000 Selective Availability made the use of GPS technology unavailable to the general public. In the United States, the military was the only entity with access to this technology. On May 2nd 2000, the U.S. government “flipped the switch” and made GPS available to all. For some unknown reason Geocachers call this day Blue Switch Day, and again this year Geocaching HQ are celebrating with a new souvenir!
The Blue Switch Day 2022 souvenir is available from April 30th through to May 2nd, to earn find a geocache, Adventure Lab® Location, or by attending an Event.

News & New Caches 25

There is something for everyone in this update, with a good mix of new caches that are scattered all over our area.

View from GC9QRZR Mawddach Meander – Secret Houses

GC9QRZR Mawddach Meander – Secret Houses by CazzaB80 Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9RHAN Rainbow Bridge by louisap27 Traditional D1.5/T3
GC9R9M1 LR412 #1 by Gapjohn Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9R9JF LR412 #2 by Gapjohn Traditional D1.5/T3
GC9R8D2 Sneaky sheep by LauraandB Traditional D1/T1.5
GC9RE89 Town Walls Wherigo by Clueless_Goose Wherigo D2/T1.5

Premium Member Only

GC9Q4J8 Vitamin Sea by RichieBlod Traditional D2/T1.5

Please note this months N&N is on Wednesday not Tuesday, also if intending to be there please log a ‘will attend’ so we can let the pub know numbers.

GC9R5G0 9 usual Suspects – Nosh and Natter 45 by 9 Usual Suspects
When: Wednesday 27th April 2022
Time: 7-9pm
Where: Snowdonia Parc, Waunfawr LL55 4AQ

Mawddach Trail

The Mawddach Trail runs between Dolgellau and Barmouth, approximatly 9.5 miles (15km) along the disused Great Western railway line and closely follows the southern edge of the beautiful Mawddach estuary. It is flat with a fairly even surface making it suitable for both cyclists and walkers. There are stunning views across to Diffwys and the Rhinogs, and up the estuary to Y Garn and the Arans beyond Dolgellau. Nearly the whole of the estuary is listed as a site of special scientific interest, there are two RSPB reserves, Taicynhaeaf and Arthog. See the map below for parking etc.


We needed somewhere to test our latest geocaching equipment acquisitions, electric bikes. This trail looked perfect with 2 series of lab caches, 4 traditional, a mystery and virtual cache all on the trail. With a few slight divisions we managed to pick up another 3 traditional caches. We decided to find geocaches on the outward bike ride and lab caches on the return trip.

Start of the trail at Pont y Wernddu

We parked in the small car park at Pont y Wernddu which is 8 miles from Barmouth and very close to
GC7XVA3 BRIDGE OF RIVETS by Chipshop Traditional D2/T2. ( a cache we had already found)

Naturesbyte close to GZ

Our first stop was for a 2009 cache that had been on our solved list for a very long time, a very easy find as at GZ it was laying in full view with the lid partially open. Luckily the cache is double ‘boxed’ so logbook and contents were dry and in good condition. We left it well hidden!
GC1WK0E Mawddach Mystery by Gwyddno Mystery D2/T1

Path leading to the cache

Our next stop was for another even older cache, this time 2005.
GCQKMW Mawddach Trail Cache by Tywyn Team Traditional D3/T3
As it is a short distance off the trail Pete drew the short straw and went up the hill into Coed Garth for the cache while I guarded the bikes.
Here on the information board is a quote from John Ruskin, (Victorian painter, poet and philosopher)  “that only one other journey in the world had views to compare with the one from Dolgellau to Barmouth, and that was the journey from Barmouth to Dolgellau”

The trail looking towards Barmouth

It was quite a long ride to the next cache, but very easy cycling and surrounded by beautiful scenery.
GC4ADY5 Black Bridge by Linny bin Traditional D1.5/T1.5
So far we had been very lucky with very few other trail users, here it all changed. The bridge was a very popular spot, we managed to find the cache in a lull of cyclists and walkers but it took ages to replace. While waiting we watched a pair of shelducks, little egret and a heron feeding in the mud as well as appreciating the views.

Naturebyte with the cache

Our next stop was for a recently published cache, there had only been 3 finders before us. The cache is definitely hidden on an old piece of rail track.
GC9QRY8 Mawddach Meander – An Old Rail or a Pole? by CazzaB80 Traditional D1.5/T2

Close to GZ

We made a slight detour off the trail for our next find
GC9G4QF Mum and Dad enjoyed the view by svl379 Traditional D1/T1
It was then back the way we had come, through the gate and along the lane to another recently published cache. While I followed the arrow naturesbyte found the cache! A very beautiful spot.
GC9QRZR Mawddach Meander – Secret Houses by CazzaB80 Traditional D1.5/T1.5

View near the cache

Our next cache was back on the Mawddach Trail, the closer we got to Barmouth the busier the trail became. We took far too long to find this cache, our excuse, there was an awful lot of walkers and cyclists. We eventually found it in a ‘traffic’ lull where we both had previously looked!
GC9QRWP Mawddach Meander – Barmouth Junction by CazzaB80 Traditional D2/T1.5

The cache is hidden some where in the picture

The next cache is one we had already found way back in May 2019 while having a weekend in Barmouth with the Moseleys when there was only 3 of them.
GC7B6PQ Barmouth Bridge by SidAndBob Virtual D1/T1

Team Convoy back 2019!

Here is my log on this cache ‘To walk over this bridge has been on my ‘to do’ list for a very long time, so while spending a long weekend in Barmouth with Team Convoy we took the opportunity to discover this virtual, walk across the bridge and return by train. A great day, beautiful 360 degree views and several caches what more can you ask for. Favourite point awarded for taking me somewhere I had always wanted to go! 3,462nd cache TFTC.’

After navigating the incredibly busy bridge we headed for the ice cream shop in Barmouth for a ‘surprise’!

The end of the trail.

It was now time to do the return journey and complete the Adventure Lab Mawddach Trail – Western that we started ages ago before attempting the eastern series.

Mawddach Trail – Western created by TAG

Mawddach Trail – Eastern created by Lime Candy

Seen on the return journey

We highly recommend this trail, choose a day with good weather to make the most of the views. CazzaB80 is intending to place more caches along the trail which will give us an excuse to return!

News & New Caches 24

Thank You Litter Pickers

GC9QBKA CITO 2022 Season 1 by 9 Usual Suspects

A very big THANK YOU to all attendees of Sundays CITO for your support and hard work. Unbelievably we picked another trailer piled high full of rubbish, it was only November when we were last here! There was all the usual stuff, cans, bottles, take away containers, clothes, shoes but some new ones for us a vacuum cleaner, rugs, clothes horse, bucket, football and a Barbie doll. We would like to bring to everyones attention that we also found syringes, please be vigilant when out geocaching especially in urban areas.

One of the worst spots was in the wood behind Tesco recycling bins. As the recycling bins are very popular with shoppers they fill very quickly, once full, bags of clothes are left beside them. Some of these bags get thrown over the wall where they are opened and we presume, anything of value is taken, the rest is left to become a wet soggy mess.

It is such a shame this pretty woodland is blighted by rubbish and litter. Can you spot the geocacher?

Wendy2000 clearing the undergrowth of cans and bottles. This short stretch of footpath though these woods should be an asset to Caernarfon but instead it is often an area to avoid.

The archway, a popular ‘party’ area, was cleared of all cans, bottles and general rubbish. Let us hope it still looks the same when we next do a CITO here.

When the hard work was done everyone enjoyed a drink and cake which was accompanied by plenty of banter and geochat.

Norman Hughes, on behalf of Gwynedd Council, has asked that we forward their appreciation to all involved.

New Caches

We have 4 new caches published in our area since our last update.

GC9QRWP Mawddach Meander – Barmouth Junction by CazzaB80 Traditional D2/T1.5
GC9QW82 Lookout joining by Samglo93 Nat_gore Traditional D2/T2

Premium Member Only

GC9QQBP 🌸 Hanami 🌸 by RichieBlod Traditional D2/T1.5
GC9R0D3 Pointless Boat by Squaddie101 Traditional D1.5/T1.5

News & New Caches 23

There have been 3 new caches recently published, nice to see another fine pair!
GC9PPZH A Fine Pair #1662 ~ Salem by RichieBlod Multi D2/T2
Brooks’ Barmouth Bash series sees the addition of another 2 caches:
GC9QRVF Brooks’ Barmouth Bash meets Mawddach Meander by CazzaB80 Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9QRV0 Brooks’ Barmouth Bash #1a – Alternative Route by CazzaB80 Traditional D1.5/T1.5

Event Reminder

GC9QBKA CITO 2022 Season 1 by 9 Usual Suspects CITO Event

When: Sunday 10th April 2022
Where: Morfa Parc, Caernarfon
Time: 11am – 1pm

By attending this event you will earn the above souvenir and also be helping to take care of our local environment. Please note there is only limited roadside parking but we do have permission to park in Tescos carpark. We look forward to seeing you.

New CITO Equipment

new equipment

As our regular litter picking attendees are very aware a lot of our equipment had seen better days and we have been struggling to replace. We are pleased to announce that we have finally made contact and have had a very successful meeting with Clean & Tidy, Gwynedd Councils new department that deal with issuing of equipment and sundries. We have a new supply of gloves, adults and childrens, different design litter pickers and bag hoops. The council would like feed back on the quality of the pickers and hoops, also any suggestions for future purchases of equipment. We have already requested the access to extra long handled pickers.

News & New Caches

A couple of new caches to report. Nice to see a cache back in the library and a more challenging but clever mystery/puzzle.

GC9QNKE Numbers are Key by Clueless_Goose Mystery/Puzzle D4.5/T1.5

Premium Member Only

Well done escapefromwork for your perseverance in getting the following cache published.
GC9Q6TP Bangor Bibliophiles by escapefromwork Multi D2/T1

New Challenge, Signal’s Labyrinth

Tomorrow, Monday April 4, 2022 at noon UTC sees the start of Signal’s Labyrinth Challenge, for finds to count make sure you log after the challenge has started. The first labyrinth you will be visiting is the Enchanted Forest and you have 2 months to earn the 2 souvenirs, this stage ends on the June 6, 2022 at noon UTC. You must reach 50 points on your leaderboard to earn the first souvenir and 500 points for the second souvenir. The first two souvenirs are ‘The Forest’ and ‘You escaped the Forest’.

Here are the point values for the labyrinth in the enchanted forest:

Found an Adventure Lab Cache (Adventure Location)10
Found a cache with 10+ Favorite points20
Found a Multi-Cache25
Found a Mystery Cache25
Found a Signal’s Labyrinth item60
Found it*15

*Log a Found it on any other cache type

The maximum number of points you can earn for any cache log is 85 points.

Event Reminder

GC9QBKA CITO 2022 Season 1 by 9 Usual Suspects CITO Event

When: Sunday 10th April 2022
Where: Morfa Parc, Caernarfon
Time: 11am – 1pm

By attending this event you will earn the above souvenir and be helping to take care of our local environment. Please note there is only limited roadside parking but we do have permission to park in Tescos carpark.