
Looking for some winter sun? We can highly recommend Malta for a winter’s Geocaching break. The country of Malta consists of five limestone islands situated in the Mediterranean sea between Sicily and North Africa. Only the 3 largest islands are inhabited Malta, Gozo and Comino. Malta has a typical Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot summers, rain occurs mainly in autumn and winter, with summer being generally dry. The average annual temperature is around 23 °C during the day and 15.5 °C at night. In August temperatures can exceed 35 °C. We visited at the beginning of February when daytime temperatures were 18-21 °C and we were very lucky to have no rain. The islands at this time of year are very pretty with masses of wild flowers, later in the year it can be very hot, dry, and dusty.

Independence from Britain was granted in 1964 and in 1974 Malta became a republic joining the EU in 2004. The islands have had a succession of different rulers including the Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French and, lastly the British, all of which have left their influence in architecture and culture.

During the 2nd World War Malta was strategically a very important base for the Allied forces. The German and Italian air forces heavily bombed the islands causing devastating damage. In 1942 the George Cross was presented to the island of Malta in recognition of the bravery of the Maltese people. The beautiful catholic church at Mosta, Sanctuary Basilica of the assumption of our Lady, is famous for avoiding destruction when a German bomb fell through the roof of the dome during mass but failed to explode. This event was interpreted by the Maltese people as a miracle. A replica of the bomb can be found in the church.

GC7WAWP Rotunda Multi by aliandmart Multi D2/T2

The main advantages to the British traveller is that English is widely spoken, being an official language with 88% of Maltese people speaking it and they also drive on the left. The majority of road signs are the same as found in the UK and all written road signage is in dual languages making it easy to explore the islands. There is an efficient public bus service on Malta and Gozo, it is another good way to get around as the buses go practically everywhere and are inexpensive. Red telephone and post boxes are scattered across the islands are another reminder of the British connection.

The beautiful Dingli Cliffs lay on the western coast and are the highest point of the islands around 250m above sea level. There is a tiny chapel perched on the very edge, dedicated to St Mary Madgalene, and a large radar system known as the observatory because of its distinctive “golf ball” shape. The tiny island of Filfla lays off the coast, its size was greatly reduced by the Royal Navy and Air Force using it for target practice. Not far from the cliffs is Misrah Ghar il-Kbir or informally known as Clapham Junction, an area of paired grooves carved into the limestone pavement presumed to be cart ruts. Here the oldest geocache in Malta can be found.

GCHEQ7 The Ring of Clapham Junction by lucentio (adopted by Gremxul) traditional D2.5/T2 4.1.2004

Nearby to the cart ruts is the natural depression of Għar il-Kbir, forming a cave complex of interconnecting caves, which was inhabited by people from Neolithic times till 1835.

Another historic site worth visiting is the megalithic temples of Ħaġar Qim and Mnajdra they are the best preserved of Malta’s prehistoric sites. A visitor centre and permanent tentlike canopies have been erected over the complex to protect the temples from the elements. The temples are in solar alignment so at each of the equinoxes the sun shines on the furthest edge of a slab inside the temples.

GC7B8NZ Mnajdra and Ħaġar Qim by Jovaluda Virtual D1/T2


We recommend taking the ferry to Gozo, it takes just 20 minutes, the ferries are very frequent and cheap. The car ferry shuttles between Malta’s Ċirkewwa and Gozo’s Mġarr every 45 minutes from 6am to around 6pm and roughly every 1½ hours throughout the night. If travelling by vehicle you pay on your return leg, when leaving Mġarr, so there’s no need to buy a ticket in Ċirkewwa on the way out.
One of the highlights of our trip to Gozo was the salt pans and discovering this earthcache:

GC5MXE1 Salt Pans from Zebbug and Marsalforn by Hatamoto-Skyks Earthcache D1.5/T2

Useful Information

Currency is the Euro
Electricity is 230 Volts, 50Hz. Plug type G 3-pin plug as in the UK
Flight Time from Manchester 3 hours 25 minutes
Time Zone I hour ahead of UK

Christmas Dinner Cancelled

We are regrettably cancelling this years Christmas Dinner, GC9HRT5 . If you have seen Lon’s note on the cache page you will be aware that Moseley_Bach has tested positive for Covid and they are all currently self isolating. As we have been in contact with them we are also restricting contacts awaiting the results of a PCR test. With Covid cases extremely high and rising in this area we do not want to put attendees health at any unnecessary risk. We are really sorry about this, but everyone’s wellbeing comes first. Deposits will be refunded ASAP, we will try and reschedule in January.


GIFF Update

New for this year if you were unable to attend an event the films are now available to watch online on the Geocaching YouTube Channel.

Unlike other years when the GIFF souvenir was automatically awarded after logging an ‘attended’ log on an event, this year you have to discover the trackable. The trackable code is displayed after the last film on the GIFF film reel. Post a discovered log, (the trackable code found below) and you will receive the GIFF 2021 souvenir.

GIFF Trackable code GIFF21

There are 2 other TB’s hidden in the films:
GIFF Clapperboard GT30QT
Froggy und Cacher-Mobil 17NTWB

Also there is a worldwide vote for GIFF People’s Choice Film, to vote go to: and vote for your favourite film. One vote per player account. Voting closes Tuesday, December 7, 6:00 PM UTC time. The winner will be announced in a future Geocaching Blog post.

Log Book and 3D Printed Event Souvenirs

GC9H8N8 GIFF 2021, Geocaching International Film Festival by 9 Usual Suspects

For this years event we were at Talysarn Community Centre, a new larger venue for us with plenty of easy parking. The space worked very well with areas for the film show, refreshments and a stall selling crafts plus geocaching bits and pieces.
After hot drinks and a chance for everyone to catch up, we all settled down to watch the films with bowls of popcorn, crisps and sweets. Were the films of a higher standard than in previous years? That is for you to judge.
A very big thanks goes to Julie and Ray (Bess’s Friends) for supplying/manning the stalls, Pete (naturesbyte) for printing the souvenir and sorting our all the technical stuff, Richard and Elaine for running the kitchen and general mucking in, Andy(YnysMonBirders) for supplying the screen and finally THANK YOU everyone for attending.

New Adventure Lab

Betws-y-Coed Bimble created by strongsRus
This lab will take you on a short walk through the scenic village of Betws-y-Coed.

Last Call for Christmas Dinner

GC9HRT5 Christmas Dinner, Nosh and Natter 43

If you are intending to be there and eating please could you log a “will attend” and let us have your menu choices. We have to let the pub have numbers and food orders on Monday 22nd. Thank You.

Date: Tuesday 30th November
Venue: Anglesey Arms, Harbour Front, Caernarfon LL55 1SW
Time: 7-9pm
Attire: Anything Christmas
Cost: £22.50 per head


Prawn Cocktail

Main Course
Traditional Roast Turkey
Vegetable Wellington

Christmas Pudding with Brandy Sauce
Chocolate Fudge Cake

News & New Caches

We have 6 new caches this week, nice to see some letterboxes as there are very few in this area. Looks like Glyn has some competition for FTFs!

GC9J66P Bus Stop quarry Bridge by Netballplayer Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GC9J7X3 Lôn Melin Esgob by Clueless _Goose Traditional D1.5/T2.5
GC9J7VX I – Rugged Rocky Retrieval by Clueless _Goose Letterbox D2/T3.5
GC9J7W8 II – Between Birch Buttresses by Clueless _Goose Letterbox D2/T2.5
GC9J7WE III – Hidden Head High by Clueless _Goose Letterbox D1.5/T3
GC9J7VQ Dinosaur Hunter by Clueless _Goose Mystery D3.5/T2

GIFF 2021 Event Reminder

GC9H8N8 GIFF 2021, Geocaching International Film Festival by 9 Usual Suspects
For this years Geocaching International Film Festival we are Canolfan Talysarn, a bigger venue with easy parking.

Where: Talysarn Community Centre, Station Road, Talysarn, Caernarfon LL54 6HL
Date: Saturday 20th November
Doors open: 2.15pm (14.15)
Film showing starts: 3.00pm (15.00) approx, duration approx 1 hour.
Venue closes: 5.00pm (17.00)

NEW for this year: To earn the GIFF 2021 souvenir, find the trackable code in the GIFF 2021 film reel. It is displayed after the last GIFF film. Log a discovered log for the trackable code and you will receive the GIFF 2021 souvenir!

This year there is a worldwide vote for GIFF People’s Choice Film.

Here is how to vote:
1. Attend an official GIFF Event November 11 – 21, 2021 or watch the GIFF reel online on the Geocaching YouTube Channel after November 22, 2021.
2. After watching the films, go to:
3. Vote for your favourite film.

One vote per geocaching account. Voting closes Tuesday, December 7, 6:00 PM UTC time.

The winner will be announced in a future Geocaching Blog post.

Saturday’s Litter Pick

GC9HE10 CITO Season 2 by 9 Usual Suspects

19 geocachers gathered for Cache in Trash Out (CITO) season 2 at Morfa Common Park / Parc Y Dre on the banks of Arfon Seiont, returning for the 5th time since 2018. As we stood in the drizzle for the safety briefing it was an unpromising damp start, both in the weather and the amount of litter that had accumulated since our last pick at this location. We split up into groups and got on with the task in hand keeping a steady flow of bags back to the collection point, for kerbside sorting of the recyclables into their respective categories. As the litter pick progressed, the weather improved with some autumnal blue sky putting in an appearance and Morfa Common Park looking much tidier than when we had started. We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone for all your hard work.

Thanks Andy (YnysMonBirders) for the photos.

We would like to make everyone aware that a syringe complete with needle was found in one of the arches. Please be vigilant when out and about geocaching, you never know what you may come across.

News & Caches

Only one cache this week and on the very edge of our area, sorry Glyn the FTF has already gone!
GC9J3GF Maes-Y-Gog by KimandDavie Traditional D1.5/T1.5

News from Geocaching HQ

GC8FROG Find Signal the Frog® – Locationless in 2020

There is still plenty of time to find this cache, to log just take a photo of yourself and Signal at a Mega or Giga event by 31st December 2022. This cache can only be logged once. The cache page will be archived and locked on January 1, 2023.

GC896PK 20th Anniversary Celebration

When: August 20, 2022
Time: 10am – 5pm
Where: Fisher Pavilion – Seattle Center – 305 Harrison Street, Seattle, Washington

If you are looking for an excuse to visit Geocaching HQ this event could be it. The event was originally planned for August 2020, this is the 3rd date for the event and hopefully it will be 3rd time lucky.
More details can be found on the events website Celebrate 20 years of Geocaching!

Other News

Have you a Community Celebration Event ? Don’t panic, there is plenty of time left to host your event, the deadline for hosting is 31st December 2022.

Adventure Labs, there is no time deadlines for creating your series.

Our Event Reminders

GC9HE10 CITO Season 2 by 9US Saturday 13th November 2021, 11:00 – 13:00
We are back in Caernarfon at one of our regular litter pick sites, our base will be the usual place on the old bridge. By attending and logging this event you will earn the Season 2 CITO souvenir.

GC9H8N8 GIFF 2021, Geocaching International Film Festival by 9US Saturday 20th November 14.15 – 17.00
A new venue for us, with more space and easy parking. We are pleased to announce that there has been some very successful 3D printing, this years souvenir will not be spaghetti after all………

A little something to get you in the mood for the GIFF, WE’VE WAITED A YEAR FOR THIS

New Caches

Just two new caches this week:

GC9HKE9 Sarnau Vexation-reborn by martin&lindabryn Traditional D3/T1.
GC9G549 Whodunnit at the Bryntirion Inn – Labcache Bonus by PhilPamAndRob Mystery D3.5/T2.5

Up until now we have not been including Labcaches in our weekly updates but as we have included above a bonus cache, here are the AdventureLab details:

Whodunnit at the Bryntirion Inn? by PhilPamAndRob

The Bryntirion Inn

If you are planning to find the AdventureLab bonus it is recommended that before leaving home you read the cache page and print off the three tables to record all the information as it is acquired. Once all the clues are solved, the evidence analysed, hopefully your deductions will identify the murderer and the cache coordinates.

Would you like us to include Labcaches in our weekly updates?

And finally a reminder for GC8HK2F Community Celebration Event: Belated Halloween Saturday 6th from 6pm onwards………. due to the awful recent weather we will be inside!