Looks like everyone was out over Easter placing new caches, a good mixture of types, 3 Traditional, a Wherigo, Adventure Lab with bonus and an event all recently published.
GCA56PX Dylan gran by Dylansgran Traditional D2/T1.5
GCA70Q2 Reservoir Adventure by ClurPailing Traditional D2/T2
GCA70ZE Spring on the Seiont by Clueless_Goose Traditional D1.5/T2
GCA72H5 Cache y Cofi Dre by Clueless_Goose Wherigo D2.5/T1.5
Adventure Lab with Bonus Cache
Celtic Quest Created by RichieBlod 5 locations nonsequential

A circular route, see above map, following footpaths and back roads to visit ancients sites from the Neolithic period. Remember to collect the info for the bonus cache.
GCA714R Celtic Quest Bonus Cache by RichieBlod Mystery D2.5/T3
GCA72GP 9 Usual Suspects – Nosh & Natter 56 by 9 Usual Suspects
When: Wednesday 26th April 2023
Where: Parc Snowdonia, Waunfawr, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 4AQ
Time: 7pm to 9pm or when the last person leaves
New Souvenir: Blue Switch Day 2023!
Prior to 2000, the U.S. military created and deployed satellites to produce accurate location information for military applications. Selective Availability restricted precise GPS data to the U.S. government. On May 2nd, 2000, the U.S. government “flipped the switch” and made accurate GPS available to all. The very next day, May 3rd, the first geocache was hidden.

Earn the Blue Switch Day 2023 souvenir by finding a geocache, Adventure Lab® Location, or by attending an Event between May 1st–3rd.
Aberlleiniog Castle Trail, Red Squirrels

If visiting Aberlleiniog Castle keep a look out for Red Squirrels. On a recent maintenance run we were rewarded by spotting high in the branches a Red Squirrel, as we watched it ran and jumped from branch to branch taking no notice of us. At this time of year they are easy to spot as the trees branches are bare only just coming into leaf, later in the summer when there is a full leaf canopy they will be much harder to see. This is the first time we have seen them here even though it is advertised they have been in residence for a while.
Return of the Glaslyn Ospreys
Aran, the male, returned on the 3rd April but sadly there is still no sign of his mate Mrs G, this would have been her 20th successful migration. The good news is that Aran has found himself another mate, an unrung female who he has been providing with fish and they have been seen mating.
Would anyone be interested in holding an event here? The centre caters for everyone with
- Free car parking.
- Toilets.
- Disabled parking and access to the Visitor Centre and Toilets.
- Dogs on leads welcome.
- Picnic area with spectacular views.
- A warm welcome from knowledgeable volunteers.
- Steam trains on the Welsh Highland Railway passing nearby.
We suggest in June when, hopefully, there will be young in the nest and maybe have a picnic. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.