First we would like to thank everyone for attending Nosh & Natter 47, lovely to catch up with the ‘usual suspects’ and so nice to have visitors from Kent and Yorkshire. Next N&N Wednesday 26th July, same place, Snowdonia Parc, Waunfawr, same time 7pm.
New Caches
We have no new caches or adventure labs to report in our area this week.

GC9WJX6 CITO & Picnic in the Park by 9 Usual Suspects D1/T3.5
When: Saturday 16th July
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Where: Morfa Parc (Parc y Dre), Caernarfon
We will be meeting at 2pm on the old bridge, the litter pick will last about 2 hours before we head to the park for a picnic. Please bring your own food and drinks, we will be suppling tea and coffee.
Let’s hope the weather improves……..
Gwynedd Council will be supplying litter pickers, hi-vis vests, bags and gloves.
GC9VB2F Meet the Swede – Aberystwyth edition by Jacke73
When: Thursday 11th August
Time: 6.30pm to 7pm
Where: Aberystwyth
Jacke73 is a Swedish geocacher who will be on holiday touring the UK, he would like to met local and non local geocachers while staying in Aberystwyth.