News & New Caches 24

Thank You Litter Pickers

GC9QBKA CITO 2022 Season 1 by 9 Usual Suspects

A very big THANK YOU to all attendees of Sundays CITO for your support and hard work. Unbelievably we picked another trailer piled high full of rubbish, it was only November when we were last here! There was all the usual stuff, cans, bottles, take away containers, clothes, shoes but some new ones for us a vacuum cleaner, rugs, clothes horse, bucket, football and a Barbie doll. We would like to bring to everyones attention that we also found syringes, please be vigilant when out geocaching especially in urban areas.

One of the worst spots was in the wood behind Tesco recycling bins. As the recycling bins are very popular with shoppers they fill very quickly, once full, bags of clothes are left beside them. Some of these bags get thrown over the wall where they are opened and we presume, anything of value is taken, the rest is left to become a wet soggy mess.

It is such a shame this pretty woodland is blighted by rubbish and litter. Can you spot the geocacher?

Wendy2000 clearing the undergrowth of cans and bottles. This short stretch of footpath though these woods should be an asset to Caernarfon but instead it is often an area to avoid.

The archway, a popular ‘party’ area, was cleared of all cans, bottles and general rubbish. Let us hope it still looks the same when we next do a CITO here.

When the hard work was done everyone enjoyed a drink and cake which was accompanied by plenty of banter and geochat.

Norman Hughes, on behalf of Gwynedd Council, has asked that we forward their appreciation to all involved.

New Caches

We have 4 new caches published in our area since our last update.

GC9QRWP Mawddach Meander – Barmouth Junction by CazzaB80 Traditional D2/T1.5
GC9QW82 Lookout joining by Samglo93 Nat_gore Traditional D2/T2

Premium Member Only

GC9QQBP 🌸 Hanami 🌸 by RichieBlod Traditional D2/T1.5
GC9R0D3 Pointless Boat by Squaddie101 Traditional D1.5/T1.5

One thought on “News & New Caches 24

  1. Great job every one. This is a bit of a Forth of Firth bridge saga. ☚ī¸â˜šī¸

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