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GC9WP4D Rest place by bikerchick252 Traditional D1/T1
North Wales Wildlife Trust Parti Penrhyn
Looking for something to do this weekend?
Why not visit Gwaith Powdwr Nature Reserve, Penrhyndeudraeth as North Wales Wildlife Trust are holding an open day, Parti Penrhyn.
We can highly recommend a visit to this fascinating place which has the added bonus of 2 geocaches
GC5C71V Gwaith Powdwr #2 The Pendulum Shed by QuirkySmog D2.5/T3.5
The following text and photo are taken from North Wales Wildlife Trust website.
Gwaith Powdwr Nature Reserve
Explosive past, wild future
From 1865 until 1995 this corner of West Wales was world-renowned for its explosives expertise. The remote location and natural, steep-sided valleys made it the perfect place for a specialist factory which, at its height, employed over 500 people. During the Second World War, over 17 million grenades were produced at this site! The Wildlife Trust took over the site when it was decommissioned – since then, it’s nature that has exploded …
Today, wandering through the lovely mixture of habitats and gazing out at the spectacular views, it’s hard to imagine the site’s industrial history. The woodland provides homes to nesting redstarts, pied flycatchers and tree pipits and, on a summer day, the grassy glades are great places to spot butterflies and wildflowers. The heathland that covers the higher ground hides secretive nightjars and basking reptiles: four of the six UK reptile species are commonly seen here. The site’s industrial past has provided perfect habitats for its most significant residents, the lesser horseshoe bats, who make their homes in the old buildings and tunnels.
Parti Penrhyn

About this event
Saturday 9th July 11am – 4pm
Free nature reserve open day and woodland festival for all the family (well behaved dogs on leads welcome).
After a break of 5 years, North Wales Wildlife Trust is pleased to run Parti Penrhyn again at Gwaith Powdwr in partnership with the Celtic Rainforest Wales LIFE project. Come along and spend the day at this fascinating example of a nature reserve where wildlife thrives in a post-industrial setting.
Learn about and share your memories of what was once the biggest explosives factory in Europe, managed as a nature reserve by North Wales Wildlife Trust since 1998. Enjoy the abundant wildlife and spectacular scenery, and learn about the importance of broadleaf woodland in the wider landscape.
There will lots of activities for all the family – nature-related arts, crafts, and games; local business and charity stalls; nature and history walks and films; pond-dipping, green woodworking, and more…
Parking, basic refreshments and toilet facilities available. You are welcome to bring a picnic. Mobility scooter from the reserve gate may be available if booked well in advance.
Directions – Take the road out of Penrhyndeudraeth towards Pont Briwet (the bridge over the River Dwyryd to Harlech). Take the first left into Cooke’s Industrial Estate, following it for approximately 80m to the reserve gates. (SH616388, LL48 6LT, W3W – bluffing.handy.educates).