2023 Event Calendar

This a rough guide of our events for 2023. Please note dates, times and venues may change and will be confirmed on event publication.


18th Saturday GCA5C5J CITO 2023 Season 1, Litter picking around the park at Caernarfon 11am-1pm
29th Wednesday Nosh & Natter 55, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed


7th Friday (Good Friday) CITO 2023 Season 1 A different kind of CITO, we will be making Bird/Bat Boxes, Insect Houses and taking a look at the nature that surrounds us while out geocaching. Pete & Ann’s 2-4pm
26th Wednesday Nosh & Natter 56, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed
29th Saturday Mega Event GC9MAXX London Calling 2023 11am-4pm


28th Sunday GCA5EAK 9 Usual Suspects Re-visit Ynys Enlli 12-4pm
31st Wednesday Nosh & Natter 57, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed


11th Sunday Coed y Brenin 10.30-11am followed by, what may be an ambitious, walk to find the 11 caches placed on the forest trails.
28th Wednesday Nosh & Natter 58, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed


6th Thursday Ballast Island an evening event 6.15pm-6.45pm to be confirmed
26th Wednesday Nosh & Natter 59, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed
29th Saturday Mega Event GCA2BBR Piratemania 15 Pirates Royalists & Roundheads 10am-10pm


5th Saturday Mega Event GC9V5J3 Milton Keynes UK Mega 2023 10am-4pm
19th Saturday International Geocaching Day, 2-6pm Pete & Ann’s
30th Wednesday Nosh & Natter 60, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed


2nd Saturday An event at the site of the wreck SS Denham. This event is governed by a very low tide being between 8-8.30am giving plenty of time to walk out to the wreck. While at the wreck site we will be discovering GC9P8M2 RIP SS Denham Virtual D5/T5.
16th Saturday CITO 2023 Season 2 details to be confirmed
27th Wednesday Nosh & Natter 61, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed


7th Saturday International Earthcache Day, suggested location Black Rock Sands but this depends on tides.
25th Wednesday Nosh & Natter 62, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed


19th Sunday GIFF 2-4pm venue to be confirmed
29th Wednesday Christmas Nosh & Natter 63, 7-9pm venue to be confirmed


31st Sunday Goodbye 2023 times venue to be confirmed

Dates still to be arranged.

An update on Porthmadog’s PanIQ Rooms, Christmas Chaos closes on 5th March once the ‘The Clairvoyant’s Curse’ is back up and running we will arrange an afternoon event in the Australia while the non-competitive teams try to escape the Clairvoyant’s Curse.

A day trip to Dublin.

2023 Souvenirs in the UK

Here is a list of current and forth coming souvenirs available in the UK. We expect CITO season 1 & 2, International Geocaching Day and International Earthcache Day to be confirmed very soon.

Full Sail 2023

Full Sail 2023 earn by finding any geocache, attending an Event, or completing an Adventure Lab® Location from January 1st–8th 2023.

2023 Hider Souvenir

2023 Hider Souvenir is available from 1st January to 31st December 2023, to qualify either place a cache or hosted an event that is published is 2023.

Signal’s Labyrinth The current Castle Maze challenge that started on 5th December 2022 runs to 6th February 2023. Like the other maze challenges there are 2 souvenirs available, you must collect 50 points to earn the first souvenir and 500 points to earn the second souvenir.

Each labyrinth in Signal’s Labyrinth challenge has different point values for finding geocaches, Adventures, and bonus items. In the Castle Maze attending an event is worth maximum 35 points, with lanterns being the bonus item earning an extra 50 points. Like previous mazes these are awarded randomly. The maximum number of points you can earn for any cache log is 85 points.

Found an Adventure Lab Cache (Adventure Location)10
Attended an Event35
Found a Mystery Cache30
Found a Multi-Cache30
Found a Letterbox Hybrid25
Found a cache with 10+ Favorite points20
Found a Signal’s Labyrinth item50
Found it*15

*Log a Found it on any other cache type

The final Labyrinth Challenge starts on 6th February 2023 and runs to 3rd April 2023. Details and point scoring yet to be announced.

Labyrinth Challenge Bonus Souvenir this will be awarded to anyone who has earned the 12 Labyrinth Souvenirs.

Mega Event Souvenirs in UK

GC9MAXX London Calling 2023 Mega Event 11am-4pm Saturday, April 29, 2023

GCA2BBR Piratemania 15 Pirates Royalists & Roundheads Mega Event 10am-10pm 29th July, 2023

GC9V5J3 Milton Keynes UK Mega 2023 Mega Event 10am-4pm Saturday 5th August. 2023