First we must apologise for the lack of recent posts so this one maybe a bit longer than normal!
Lets start with the caches that have been published since our last post
GCABP1M watch out for the trolls! by CheesyPasta Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GCABQDY Brambles of Lon las by CheesyPasta Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GCABRND The Wright Box by Brynvj Traditional D1/T1.5
GCAC0DF Bay Books by escapefromwork Multi D3.5/T1
GCAC3VK Bryn Wylfa View by cacheB8S Traditional D1.5/T1.5
GCAC6DN Coastal Cache. The old Lifeboat Station by cacheB8S Traditional D1.5/T2.5
GCACB4E HHH – A Hunt on the Hindlea Headland by cacheB8S Traditional D2/T2
GCAC9PK Portable Magic by escapefromwork Traditional D2/T1
Event Reviews
GCAB60H CITO, A487 South, Quick Pick by 9 Usual Suspects D1/T4

Thank you everyone for attending and for all your hard work in tiding up this lay-by. Again our weather god was on our side, it might have been grey but there was no rain until we had packed up. After the previous days rain we were very surprised on attendance numbers. With many hands making light work we saw the area quickly transformed, 11 bags of rubbish picked from this very small area. In an ideal world there would be no litter as everyone would dispose of their rubbish responsibly.

After a litter pick we always message Gwynedd Council with our results and reporting any concerns we might have, the following is taken from our latest report:
“We think part of the problem here is caused by lack of litter bins. The lay-by is a popular stop off point for visitors travelling to/through our area, a litter infested lay-by is not a good look. Please could the council consider placing a couple of bins in each lay-by.”
We received the following reply from Norman Hughes:
“Thank you all for your work, clearly a great improvement. Thanks for highlighting this location I have passed on your comments regarding new bins at the location. I have also forwarded your message to our Street Scene Manager. I will update you once I receive an update.
Again many thanks to all volunteers.”
Let’s hope we won’t have to be back here for a long time……..
Nosh & Natter 59

GCAB6AZ 9 Usual Suspects – Nosh & Natter 59 by 9 Usual Suspect D1/T1

What an awful night? Not the weather you expect for the end of July! Again we were amazed at the turnout for an outside event, not just wet but very cold for July. A huge thank you to Cemlyn for coming to our aid and opening up his works canteen, giving us a dry and very comfortable venue for our event.

Wheel of Challenge, Iconic Cacher
The Wheel of Challenge, Streak Star!, ended on Sunday 6th August. The next challenge, Iconic Cacher, started on Monday 7th August and finishes on Sunday 3rd September. To qualify for the 2 souvenirs, easy and hard, find as many different icons that you can.
Earn the easy souvenir for this challenge by finding and logging these three different cache types:
- Traditional Cache
- Adventure Location
- Event Cache
Earn the hard souvenir for this challenge by finding and logging these eight different cache types:
- Traditional Cache
- Adventure Location
- Event Cache
- Virtual Cache
- EarthCache
- Multi-Cache
- Mystery Cache
- Letterbox Hybrid
The next challenge will be announced on August 29th.