Just one new cache to report:
GC9XQ0Q Borth Y Gest seafront geocache by cadielsss Traditional D1.5/D1.5
Beginning of Signals Third Labyrinth Souvenirs
Monday 1st August sees the start of the third labyrinth challenge which runs to October 3rd. Signal continues his journey through the mysterious land of labyrinths following the path out of the swamp to find the path leads to a mysterious cave. The cave is home to a troll, Signal needs your help to get past the troll and continue his quest. Gemstones are the special bonus item for the labyrinth in the cave and are worth 50 points. There are two souvenirs available, you must collect 50 points to earn the first souvenir and 500 points to earn the second souvenir.
Gemstones are the bonus items, every time you log a geocache you will have a chance of finding one. If you go geocaching with a group of people, there’s a chance that one member of the group might find an item at a cache, but others don’t.
Here are the point values for the labyrinth in the cave:
Found an Adventure Lab Cache (Adventure Location) | 10 |
Found a cache with 10+ Favourite points | 30 |
Attended any Event | 30 |
Found an EarthCache | 30 |
Found a Multi-Cache | 20 |
Found a Mystery Cache | 20 |
Found a Signal’s Labyrinth item | 50 |
Found it* | 15 |
*Log a Found it on any other cache type
The maximum number of points you can earn for any cache log is 80 points.
Piratemania & UK Mega
Today sees the start of ‘UK Mega Week’ with the gates of Piratemania opening at 12pm……………hopefully we will be there in the queue!
Hear ye! Hear ye! All rapscallions and Privateers this is their current event timetable
Thursday 28th July
GC9RKE9 Piratemania Meet & greet
8 bells prompt! (that be 8PM for landlubbers)
Friday 29th July
GC9RQEF Friday night with the pirates
Sail with us from 8PM till late
Saturday 30th July
GC9M3MT Piratemania 14 (2022) Pirates Pudding & Tarrrt’s
The BIG Day itself!
Sunday 31th July
GC9RQFC Pointy Pirates Flash Mob Day!
Come dressed as a Pirates or be cursed! 10.00am
GC9RQG4 The Pirate Quiz night
be on the evening tide at 7.30PM
Arrrrrrrr! The mutiny of Moseley’s are packed and ready to plunder!