Latest Update

New Caches

There were no new caches published in our area this week……… Maybe there will be some next week πŸ˜‰

Summer BBQ

The BBQ at ours will be a week later than originally planned on Sunday 4th July, as this just happens to coincide with American Independence Day, the theme is anything American. If Covid restrictions are lifted from the 21st June we should be able to make it an official Geocaching Event. Our UK Reviewers have not updated their policy on events since the 12th May, we had expected a further announcement as they have started to published side events for this summers UK Megas.
To give us a rough idea of numbers please could you log interest in the comments

Other News

Julie, CairnDhuSeekers, has finally had her long awaited op and is making good progress. On behalf of all her geocaching friends we would like to wish her a very speedy recovery and look forward to seeing her out and about this summer.

6 thoughts on “Latest Update

  1. I would love to make the day event in any case, not sure if possible to stay over the night before? If so, how much? If not, then can plan accordingly 😁

    1. Oh I think we could let you stay – you might get roped into setting up πŸ™‚

  2. Count us in for July 4th gathering πŸ‘ Sounds like it’ll be a great event. Especially catching up with friends we haven’t seen for more than a year!!!

  3. Howdy pardners.
    I hereby express my interest in attending said independent BBQ on such an auspicious day.
    I’m sure it’ll be awesome.
    Have a nice day.

  4. Julie came home today, lucky 13th of June.
    Thanks for all your well wishes and support. Now it’s the long road to fitness and fun again.

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